Welcome back to DVD # 2 review of Wealth in a Box. This disc is more niched down to what you need need to do to get started making a solid pay base. Jamie discusses how he pulls things together with Click Bank, one of his digital retailer, You will find how put a very simple very low budget, but quality site together. Go Daddy for your domain name, Host Gator where you will host your web site.
Can I Really Post a Site For Free
You can use GoArticle for free to build your subscriber list and attach your auto responder, to build your reader list. Right there you can make money no cost. A free blogger account at E-Blogger or go Article to write your articles or reviews about a Click Bank product (which is another free account).
You could spend hours going through the great products you can promote. It can be a challenge to figure out the right product to promote. This is covered in great detail .Your going to find some great free tools tools on the Internet.
Let give you an example here. I recently purchased a soft ware program to determine if a site has good commercial potential and Jamie handed it to me for free her on disc 2. MSN Commercial Intent tool will tell you if you in a crowded or a dead market. There are so many free on line tools and you just can't find them all on your own.
What if I'm a Newbee
This is a fantastic way to get your feet wet. But don't worry, Wealth in a Box is going to show exactly how to choose these product;s to promote. There will be no guessing games here. Jamie also goes into painstaking detail to show you key word search for your article's. This is a must in choosing your domain name and inserting tags that identify your article's.
The proper key words are crucial to getting your pages ranked and in front of readers and potential members or customers. If your curious about choosing a .com, .net or .org your covered here. What Jamie is doing here is saving you loads of time so you can avoid competitive niche markets.
On this DVD you will also see how Word Press blog is used as a platform for a web site. A couple few month's back a lot of people a the Internet were not aware you could use these Blog site to host your product. Now it has become very common practice.
In the second disc you will get four sections to learn from, they will be
1) Your on line arsenal: The bare necessities
2) Market research: The tools
3) Let's build a million dollar blog
4) Customizing the blog
How Long Will it Take to Build a Profit Site
In a matter of 15 minutes I watched Jamie put together a professional site and have on line. Right in front of my very eye's. As a member I was aware of this site a couple month's ago and had no idea this was going to be part of this "Wealth in a Box" system. See for yourself WWW.swimmingDVD.net
If you can follow simple instruction you will be able to put up a money making site a day with out a problem. As your get better you want to make two or three of these a day. It's up to you. You can also easily hire some one to do this for you at very reasonable prices if you choose.
You got to be kidding me! On just the second DVD you repeat this system all day long and make a handsome profit. Folk's it doesn't get better than this. I only scratched the surface on what your getting in disc number two. I will see for some more great review